SIPA 2019 - Make More Money
Official Webcast June 3-5, 2019
Capital Hilton - Washington, DC

Deploying Webinar Attendee Analytics to Drive Marketing and Strategic Decision Making

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MCOL, a 24 year old healthcare business information publishing company, has conducted webinars throughout each year since 2002, both on a paid registration and sponsored complimentary registration basis. An attendee database of webinars attended has provided the vehicle for ongoing analytics to drive marketing and strategic decision making, not only with regard to webinar offerings, but as well with sponsor lead generation campaigns, sponsor development, new product development and cross-product and service marketing. Analytics findings, along with insights on how they drove MCOL decision making, will be shared that offer these takeaways for attendees:
Clive Riddle, President and CEO, MCOL
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SIPA 2019 - Make More Money

Official Webcast June 3-5, 2019
Capital Hilton - Washington, DC


SIPA's Annual Conference is produced by the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA), which helps members increase profitability through a culture of learning and information exchange among peers.

Our conference brings together the largest gathering of specialized information providers, publishers, and industry experts for 25 hours of unparalleled networking, knowledge sharing and advice swapping. This year’s agenda features two keynote presentations, 30 breakout sessions, multiple workshops, birds-of-a-feather roundtables, group dinners, networking receptions and ample opportunities to connect with publishers, content providers, industry experts, thought leaders and service providers.

SIPA Annual gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself and your teams in a uniquely educational and inspirational environment complete with strategic panel discussions as well as practical, how-to operational sessions.

Who Should Attend?
Business, consumer, small, medium and large information businesses are encouraged to send representation and learn from the best in the industry. Whether you are an owner, CEO, COO, CMO, VP, entrepreneur, director, manager, specialist, coordinator, editor or researcher, this conference has wide-range appeal for all levels of responsibility in critical areas that impact your bottom line, including:

  • Owner/Operator
  • Operations
  • Conferences and Webinars
  • Training Programs
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Content/Editorial
  • Customer Service/Experience
  • Technologies

Since this conference is programmed by a planning committee of your industry peers, the agenda reflects the current and trending topics on everyone’s minds, agendas and to-conquer lists.

Useful Links to Help Justify Your Trip:

  • Justify Your Trip Letter - Customizable for your specific interests.
  • Discounted Hotel Rate - Enjoy staying at the Capital Hilton at a specially discounted rate just for attendees. Only a few blocks away from the National Mall, Smithsonian Institute, the White House and many more must-visit places. The room block closes May 2, 2019.
  • Recent Attendees - Take advantage of the opportunity to network with and learn from industry peers, known experts and successful pioneers.