Republicans seeking to fill the slot of retiring Congressman Frank Wolf of Virginia's 10th District will square off in a candidate forum on Sunday April 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA.

Chris Plante of WMAL's The Chris Plante Show will host and emcee the candidate forum.

All six candidates for the Republican primary have been invited, and five have confirmed: Stephen Hollingshead, Howie Lind, Bob Marshall, Mark Savitt, Rob Wasinger (all confirmed), and Barbara Comstock (invited). The forum will be at the Patrick Henry College Gymnasium, 10 Patrick Henry Cir, Purcellville, VA.

Doors open at 1 p.m. will stream the event online.

Co-Sponsors include:

Allen West Guardian Fund (
American Family Association Action
Center for Security Policy
Citizens United
Conservative (main sponsor)
Eagle Forum
Family Research Council Action
Freedom Works
GOH Conservative PAC (
Gun Owners of America
Secure America Now
Smart Girl Politics
Star Parker
Tea Party Patriots
True the Vote
Voters Trust; and Supporters Virginia Tea Party Patriots Federation
Prince William County Tea Party
Northern VA Tea Party
Fairfax Free Citizen
Virginians for Quality Healthcare. (Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.)

For media access and set-up information please contact Peter Robbio [email protected] 703-683-5004 ext 116

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Virginia 10th District Republican Candidate Forum April 13, 2014

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Republicans seeking to fill the slot of retiring Congressman Frank Wolf of Virginia's 10th District squared off in a candidate forum on Sunday April 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. at Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA.
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