EfSI | Earth from Space Institute
Making Communities More Resilient to Extreme Flooding
LIVE WEBCAST: October 30-31, 2019
Columbia, MD

Session 8 (Plenary) Visualizing Flood Risk and Uncertainty

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Moderator: Professor Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig
Panelists: Prof. Maryam Rahnemoonfar, UMBC; Prof. Lace Padilla, University of California – Merced; Dr. Jason Haga, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan; Dr. Patrick Grover, BGC Engineering Inc.
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Event Archive

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EfSI 2019 Symposium - EfSI Opening Ceremony and Welcome
Opening Remarks: Senator Chris Van Hollen, U.S. Senate (D-MD)
Dr. Jeffrey Isaacson, President and CEO, USRA
Dr. Miguel Román, Founding D...
10,232 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 1 (Plenary) Building Resiliency in the State of Maryland: Catalyzing Community-Based Flood Mitigation and Adaptation Programs
Moderator: Dr. Calvin Ball, County Executive, Howard County, MD
Panelists: Mr. Kevin Wagner, Maryland Department of the Environment; Dr. John B...
3,310 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 2 (Plenary) Monitoring Flood Dynamics Using Next Generation Satellite Data
Moderator: Dr. Chris Aubrecht, European Space Agency
Panelists: Dr. Kumar Nevulur, Digital Globe Foundation; Dr. Batu Osmanoglu, NASA; Mr. Mr. ...
3,261 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - PLENARY 1 State-of-the-Art in Flood Prediction
Professor Rick Luettich, University of North Carolina 3,277 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 3 (Plenary) Compound Flooding: Use Cases, Methods, and Challenges
Moderator: Ms. Jen Schwartz, Scientific American
Panelists: Dr. Jane Smith, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Prof. Thomas Wahl, University of Cen...
6,158 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 4 (Plenary) Geospatial Data Analytics: Helping Bridge Flood Insurance, Building Codes and Flood Zoning
Moderator: Ms. Catherine Bohn, Dewberry
Panelists: Ms. Julia O’Brien, FEMA; Dr. Guy Seeley, Atmospheric and Environmental Research; Prof. Matt...
1,984 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 6 (Plenary) Flood Risk Communications: What Information Do Users Need?
Moderator: Ms. Ada Monzón, EcoExploratorio
Panelists: Professor Wanyun Shao, University of Alabama; Ms. Necolle Maccherone, Michael Baker Inte...
3,293 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Morning Debrief
Recap Wednesday's Action Items, Reports from Session Moderators, and Plans for Thursday 2,004 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - PLENARY 2 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Coastal Risk Reduction and Resilience Activities: Lessons Learned and the Path Forward
Mr. José E. Sánchez, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers 3,260 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 8 (Plenary) Visualizing Flood Risk and Uncertainty
Moderator: Professor Gerik Scheuermann, University of Leipzig
Panelists: Prof. Maryam Rahnemoonfar, UMBC; Prof. Lace Padilla, University of Ca...
3,500 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - SESSION 10 (Plenary) What Does Resilience Mean in the Flood Policy Context?
Moderator: Professor Rick Luettich, University of North Carolina
Panelists: Dr. Carolyn Kousky, University of Pennsylvania Wharton School; Ms. ...
3,627 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 11 (Plenary) The Role of Newsrooms and Data Journalism in Improving Perceptions of Flood Risk
Moderator: Ms. Helen-Nicole Kostis, Universities Space Research Association/GESTAR
Panelists: Ms. Jen Schwartz, Scientific American; Mr. Jason...
3,434 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Session 13 (Plenary) Flood Resiliency in Practice: How Corporate Responsibility and Charity Can Pivot to Sustainable Disaster Philanthropy
Moderator: Ms. Katie Taylor, Pan American Development Foundation
Panelists: Ms. Maria Concepción, Oxfam America; Ms. Bekah Curtis-Heald, Clinto...
2,004 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - PLENARY 3 Hurricane Maria: Two Years Later
Ms. Ada Monzón, EcoExploratorio 3,456 views | 6 years ago
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EfSI 2019 Symposium - Symposium Wrap-Up
2,866 views | 6 years ago

EfSI | Earth from Space Institute
Making Communities More Resilient to Extreme Flooding

LIVE WEBCAST: October 30-31, 2019
Columbia, MD


The Earth from Space Institute (EfSI) – a newly established program of Universities Space Research Association (USRA) – is a global provider of scientific value-added expertise in Earth Observations and satellite-based technologies.

Co-located within USRA Headquarters in Columbia, Maryland, EfSI conducts innovative research with a focus on applied, user-driven needs. Our unique remote sensing, modeling, and advanced analytical capabilities give EfSI a broad understanding of a wide range of Earth system topics, allowing us to inform decision-making on pressing global issues such as disaster response, climate change mitigation, and community resilience with unparalleled results.

Significance & Purpose

The Earth from Space Institute builds on the foundations of USRA’s leadership in the space research industry to create a new paradigm in climate risk and community resilience. Through critical partnerships designed to maximize the application of satellite-based products, EfSI is linking scientific expertise, decision-makers, and community groups to provide sustainable solutions to those who need it most.

In responding to recent disasters such as Hurricane Maria, which devastated Puerto Rico, Dr. Román (EfSI Founding Director) and his science team found that density-based restoration protocols were consistently applied across multiple scales, prioritizing both urban municipalities over rural municipalities and dense multi-family housing structures over detached housing. For 90% of Puerto Rico’s municipalities, there was little evidence of utilities veering from this standard, logical protocol. Though the impacts and restoration results were expected, their effects on vulnerable populations was not. An unintended consequence of the density-based restoration meant that in a majority of Puerto Rico’s municipalities, and especially in bigger cities, low-income residents were burdened with longer recovery times.

EfSI is able to assist vulnerable populations by providing science-based input to first responders, humanitarian groups, and those responsible for restoring critical power and other services when disaster strikes.

Our Approach

EfSI strengthens relationships with leaders across space agencies, universities, foundations, industry, and other organizations that share common goals to promote the accurate, timely, and easily accessible satellite data, and to address the critical information needs of at-risk communities.