I4 - Health Care Transition NPM: Achieving Your State's Goals and Objectives
Kay Baudier, BSN, RN
Title V CSHCN Program Administrator, Arkansas Department of Human Services, Developmental Disabilities Services, Little Rock, Arkansas
Daniel P. Beck, MA
Communications Director, The National Alliance To Advance Adolescent Health, Washington, District Of Columbia
Sue Ewy, MS, RN, PHN
Public Health Nurse Consultant, Minnesota Department of Health, Community and Family Health, St. Paul, Minnesota
Peggy McManus, MHS
President, Co-Project Director, Got Transition/Center for Health Care Transition Improvement, Washington, District Of Columbia
This workshop will present findings from a just-released report prepared by Got Transition on how 32 states are implementing and evaluating the transition performance measure. It will also feature two state Title V programs - from Arkansas and Minnesota - and how they are putting into action evidence-based tran