2017 AMCHP Annual Conference

March 4-7, 2017 in Kansas City, MO.

2017 AMCHP Annual Conference Schedule

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Official Webcast March 4-7, 2017

Links to the AMCHP 2017 Archived Video Presentations, Edited with Slides, Will Begin Appearing Below the Video Player on March 15, 2017

B3 - Implementing Evidence - Breakout Excercise

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This workshop will build skills related to identifying new sources of MCH evidence to support the National Performance Measures (NPMs), translating evidence for key stakeholders, and incorporating evidence into ongoing programmatic efforts. The MCH Block Grant transformation emphasizes the importance of evidence in the work of MCH programs. As new evidence emerges, Title V programs wrestle with questions related to what evidence to consider, how to incorporate it into their work, when to use new evidence, and what partners are key to its implementation. This session highlights the role of evidence in promoting population health, the process of incorporating evidence, and lessons learned from Title V programs that have incorporated newly available science into programmatic efforts.
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Don't miss out on an amazing opportunity to connect and network with more than 800 public health officials who share an interest in maternal and child health. The 2017 AMCHP Annual Conference will be held March 4-7, 2017 in Kansas City, MO.

The Kansas City Marriott Downtown, site of the 2017 AMCHP Annual Conference, is located near the Power and Light District, giving you easy access to the area's upscale shopping, popular restaurants and vibrant nightlife.

There are many reasons to attend the 2017 AMCHP Annual Conference, including:

  • Gain a firsthand opportunity to learn about changes occurring in the MCH field, such as Block Grant transformation and Affordable Care Act implementation.
  • In need of a career boost or professional development? AMCHP has it covered! Conference attendees have the opportunity to gain access to individual and private professional coaching sessions.
  • Interested in learning more about a particular MCH subfield? Conference session topics will include using technology to advance MCH outcomes, cultural competence and family-centered care, and health care financing and coverage.
  • Visit the exhibit hall to gather information from resource centers and companies related to maternal and child health, while networking with current and future MCH leaders.
  • Exchange best practices with other MCH professionals, creating stronger and bolder ideas for the future.

For additional updates about the Annual Conference, click here.

Please note, the 2017 Call for Proposals is now closed.


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A3 Fostering Innovation and Collaboration Through Title V to Advance Adolescent and Young Adult Health
Barbara L. Frankowski, MD Professor, Department of Pediatrics, University of Vermont Medicine, Burlington, Vermont
14,641 views | 8 years ago
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A3-Fostering Innovation and Collaboration - BreakOut Excercise
The Adolescent and Young Adult Health CoIIN propelled a cohort of Title V Programs to build their capacity around fostering new and expanding existing... 5,469 views | 8 years ago
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A5 - Tackling The Tough Stuff
Stephan Viehweg, MSW, LCSW, IMH-E(IV)
Associate Director, Riley Child Development Center, Indiana LEND, Indiana University School of Medicine,...
4,748 views | 8 years ago
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B1 - Engaging Partners for the Transformation of the MCH Block Grant
Nora Carswell, BBA
Management and Program Analyst/Project Manager, Title V Information System, U.S. Maternal and Chil...
5,656 views | 8 years ago
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B3 - Implementing Evidence - Breakout Excercise
This workshop will build skills related to identifying new sources of MCH evidence to support the National Performance Measures (NPMs), translating ev... 4,294 views | 8 years ago
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B3 - Implementing Evidence: How, What, When, and With Whom?
Karin Downs, RN, MS, MPH Maternal and Child Health Director / Director, Division of Pregnancy, Infancy and Early Childhood, ...
5,211 views | 8 years ago
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C6 - Kansas Special Health Services Family Advisory Council Alumni/Mentor Program: Moving into a New Era of Family Involvement with Title V
Heather Smith, MPH Director, Title V CYSHCN and Special Health Services, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Topeka...
4,380 views | 8 years ago
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C7 - Perinatal Oral Health and Title V National Performance Measure 13A
Lynette Biery, PA-C, MSc
Bureau of Family Health Services, Director, Michigan Department of Health and Human Services...
5,644 views | 8 years ago
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D2 - Improving Policies and Services for Birth Equity
Presenter and Moderator(s):
Dr. Joia Crear-Perry, MD
Founder and President, National Birth Equity Collaborative, New Orleans, Louisian...
4,316 views | 8 years ago
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D5 - National Title V CYSHCN Program Profile: Results, Analysis, and Strategic Implications
Jennifer Farfalla, MPH Senior Epidemiologist, Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs, Washington DC, District Of Co...
4,474 views | 8 years ago
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E4 - Partnerships, Strategies and Tools to Improve and Promote Developmental Screening: An Overview of Three Initiatives
Christina Boothby, MPA
Manager, Medical Home Initiatives, American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Village, Illinois...
3,989 views | 8 years ago
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E8 - The Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Families: Local and Regional Collaboration to Reduce Racial Disparities in Infant Mortality in Wisconsin
Allison Amphlett, MA
United Way of Greater Milwaukee and Waukesha County, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Samantha J....
4,713 views | 8 years ago
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F6 - Non-Traditional Partnering to Promote Bright Futures: Recommended Preventive Services for Children
Cornelia Deagle, PhD, MSPH
Director, Division of Child and Family Health; Title V Director, MCH Director for Virginia, ...
4,380 views | 8 years ago
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F7 - Using eHealth to Enhance Medical Home Capacity and Access to Specialty Care
Kafi Dixon, MA
Program Coodinator, University of Iowa, Division of Child and Community Health, Iowa City, Iowa
4,200 views | 8 years ago
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G3 - Families as Partners – From Idea to Reality
Alex Kuznetsov, RD
Manager, Children with Special Needs Initiatives, American Academy of Pediatrics, Elk Grove Villag...
4,059 views | 8 years ago
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G4 - Implementation of Immediate Post-partum Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive Insertion - The Experiences of Iowa, Louisiana, and Wyoming
Kasia Baca, PhD, MPH, MA
CSTE/CDC Applied Epidemiology Fellow, Department of Health, State of Louisiana, New Orleans, L...
4,572 views | 8 years ago
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H2: Family Partnerships to Address Inequities in Health Insurance Coverage and Access to Care among Children with Special Health Care Needs

Doreen D. Hodges
Executive Director, Family Voices of the District of Columbia Inc., Washington, District Of Colum...
4,644 views | 8 years ago
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H5 - The Opioid Epidemic: Title V Strategies to Address this Growing Crisis
Karin Downs, RN, MS, MPH
Maternal and Child Health Director / Director, Division of Pregnancy, Infancy and Early Childh...
5,389 views | 8 years ago
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I4 - Health Care Transition NPM: Achieving Your State's Goals and Objectives
Kay Baudier, BSN, RN
Title V CSHCN Program Administrator, Arkansas Department of Human Services, Developmental Disabili...
5,994 views | 8 years ago