ABM & Information Industry Summit 2015:
The Intersection of Information and Technology

June 14-16, 2015

Mandarin Oriental

Washington, DC

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How Automation and Algorithms Can Make or Break Content and Advertising-Driven Businesses

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Striking the balance between being a "content company" and a "technology company" is essential to our success. Our workflows, our culture and our revenue are being dictated more and more by the technology in our marketplace. In this session, industry experts show how data-driven publishing, advanced analytics and algorithmic advertising are going to change the fundamentals of how we operate as information and media companies.

John Felahi, Chief Strategy Officer, Content Analyst
Tony Uphoff, CEO, Business.com
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ABM & Information Industry Summit 2015
The Intersection of Information and Technology

The intersection of information and technology has never been greater, creating new business models and opening up new markets. However, that same evolution requires company leaders to continually update their skillset and knowledge of how to operate. Do you know all you need to know about how to run your business and drive organizational value at a time when the models are fundamentally changing? Do you understand the new benchmarks shaping our industry and the tools to help us hit those goals?

ABM/IIS 2015 brings together two long-standing C-level events events: SIIA’s Information Industry Summit and the ABM Annual Conference. This is the only event for the media and information industry to address the issues of running a company from the executive perspective with a focus on

  • Operation Value
  • Managing Different Disciplines
  • Budget
  • Personnel and culture

    The media, business information, marketing and technology worlds come together at ABM/IIS 2015 to unlock what it means to run a media and information business today with a focus on where new revenue is coming from; the new C-suite dashboards that enable executives to monitor (in real time) and grow their businesses; corporate structure and organizational efficiency; what the investors in our marketplace are looking for; creating the culture to be nimble and productive and draw the top new talent that we need, while always bringing the takeaways back to lifting organizational value and driving revenue.

Who Should Attend

  • Top leadership at business information, media and technology companies, including CEOs and presidents
  • Chief revenue officers
  • Chief technology officers
  • Buyers and sellers, including private equity ownership
  • Divisional leaders and upper level management looking to prepare themselves for the next level.
If you’re attending IIS 2014: Breakthrough, then you’re up-to-date regarding the dynamic changes in our industry. To thrive in a highly competitive, constantly-morphing environment, you’ve got to, as we at SIIA say, “breakthrough the noise and the hype.” Connotate helps information industry companies do just that by leveraging Web data to drive their businesses. And, [Read More]

We have a GREAT program lined up at IIS 2014: Breakthrough, the Summit for information industry leaders being held January 29 & 30th in New York. The 2014 program is specifically designed to help information industry leaders…lead. We created a program that covers the key issues impacting media companies, publishers and information services companies, to [Read More]

High level executives from the industry’s largest information service providers are gearing up for SIIA Information Industry Summit 2014, January 29-30, in NYC. Many companies took the opportunity to sponsor this year’s conference. Through sponsorship, they are able to strengthen their brand image, increase visibility, and show their company’s strong commitment the software and information [Read More]