Tom Nolan, ABS USMMA ‘80
Capt. Paul Coan President CAMM Chapter, South Florida USMMA Graduate ‘87
Capt. Manny Aschemeyer,National Secretary/Treasurer, CAMM Graduate-California Maritime Academy, Class of ’63-D Past National President, Cal Maritime Alumni Assoc.
Capt. Bob Holden President, CAMM Chapter Tampa Bay, FL Kings Point, Class of ’66 Capt. Cal Hunziker Past Nat’l President of CAMM and Nat’l VP, Pacific NW Region for CAMM VP, International Federation of Ship Masters Assoc. Graduate- Texas Maritime Academy, Class of ‘70 Capt. R.J. Klein Immediate Past National President, CAMM President, CAMM Chapter in Seattle and Editor-in-Chief, CAMM’s SIDELIGHTS Magazine Graduate- USMMA, Kings Point, Class of ’69 Capt. Mike McCright National VP, Gulf of Mexico Region for CAMM “Hawsepiper” – Master Mariner President, CAMM Chapter for Houston/Galveston Lecturer, Texas Maritime Academy at TAMUG Capt. Patrick Moloney National Second Vice President, CAMM Graduate USMMA ‘74 Capt. George Sandberg President, CAMM Chapter, NY/NJ Metro Graduate- SUNY Maritime, Retired Professor/Dept. Head, USMMA Kings Point, Class of ’66
Capt. Frank Zabrocky National VP for North Atlantic Region for CAMM Graduate - USMMA, Kings Point Class of ‘69 Capt./Dr. J.A.C. Cartner Maritime/Admiralty Lawyer Graduate- USMMA, Kings Point, Class of ‘69  