WADE Annual Meeting & DistribuGen Conference

October 14-17, 2014
Westchester, New York

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WADE Award Luncheon

Featured Speaker:
John Rhodes, President and CEO, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
WADE Lifetime Achievement Award:
Presented to Richard Ottinger, Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law, Pace Law School
WADE Project Excellence Award
To Be Announced at the Luncheon
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WADE Annual Meeting & DistribuGen Conference
October 14-17, 2014 - Westchester, New York

Conference Overview

The WADE Annual Meeting & DistribuGen Conference will showcase high-profile speakers and industry decision-makers who will explore, debate and discuss the game-changing forces underway for DG technologies and microgrids systems, and put these forces into context amid the backdrop of rapid innovation and new business models across the utility landscape, grid security vulnerabilities, energy efficiency goals and incentives; new DG financing mechanisms; federal emissions standards for criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases; the nation’s natural gas supply, rising electricity prices and other market drivers.

The event will feature the NYSERDA CHP Expo designed for commercial, industrial, and multifamily building owners and managers who will connect with pre-approved combined heat and power (CHP) equipment vendors and other organizations offering financial incentives and technical support for the installation of CHP systems.

Attendees can also tour one of the most energy efficient and energy resilient commercial buildings in the nation where combined heat and power is used in conjunction with a solar array and other features to save more than $365,000 annually.