SIPA 2018

June 5-7, 2018
The Capital Hilton
Washington DC

Click Here for more information about SIPA

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Official Webcast June 5-7, 2018

Using Customer Data to Quickly Drive Your Revenue Growth (Part 2)

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SIPA 2018

Official Webcast June 5-7, 2018

SIPA's Annual Conference is produced by the Specialized Information Publishers Association (SIPA), which helps members increase profitability through a culture of learning and information exchange among peers.

The 2018 conference will bring together the largest gathering of specialized information providers, publishers, and industry experts for 25 hours of unparalleled networking, knowledge sharing and advice swapping.

This year’s agenda features two keynotes, 30 breakout sessions, multiple workshops, birds-of-a-feather roundtables, dutch treat dinners, networking receptions and ample opportunities to connect with publishers, content providers, industry experts, thought leaders and service providers.

SIPA Annual gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself and your teams in a uniquely educational and inspirational environment complete with strategic panel discussions as well as practical, how-to operational sessions.

Discover leading strategies and best practices that will help you grow your business based on practical and proven methods from industry experts. Explore the agenda for inspirational, innovative and informational learning opportunities and choose from more than 30 sessions across a variety of topics.

Make sure to leverage the incredible networking opportunities at our hallmark event throughout the course of the conference.

Add to your conference experience by signing up for the in-depth pre-conference workshops on Tuesday, the Dine Around dinners on Tuesday and Wednesday, and the birds-of-a-feather roundtables and Dutch treat lunch on Thursday.

Who Should Attend?
B2B, B2C, small, medium and large organizations are encouraged to send representation and learn from the best in the industry at SIPA Annual 2018.

Whether you are an owner, CEO, COO, CMO, VP, entrepreneur, director, manager, specialist, coordinator, editor or researcher, this conference has wide-range appeal for all levels of responsibility in critical areas that impact your bottom line.

Whether you are a founder, owner, CEO, COO, CMO, VP, director, manager, specialist, coordinator, editor or researcher, this conference has wide-range appeal for all levels of responsibility in critical areas, including:

  • Owner/Operator
  • Operations
  • Conferences and Webinars
  • Training Programs
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Content/Editorial
  • Technologies

Since this conference is programmed by a planning committee of your industry peers, the agenda reflects the current and trending topics on everyone’s minds, agendas and to-conquer lists.