SIPA 2014

June 4-6, 2014

Washington DC

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Official Webcast November 10-12, 2014

Conference Wrap-Up Session with the Conference Committee

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Welcome to SIPA 2014!

Planning is underway for the 38th Annual Conference and this year it's all about growth and success – two themes we publishers certainly want to hear as much about as possible!  We made it through some tough times and survived difficult business decisions… we began investing again… our confidence slowly returned.  NOW we are ready – once again – to identify and seize our best revenue opportunities.  As we always have, we will seek to to minimize risk but we can also calculate expected returns on the initiatives we are mapping out.  We can imagine our profit margins increasing and our businesses growing.

So let the fun begin! 

I personally guarantee that every conference session this year will contribute to your success and help you expand your business.  Publishing thought leaders will share tactics for and case studies on spurring growth and innovating across the entire organization.  Five tracks will help transform your business:

  1. New Revenue Streams
  2. Sales & Marketing
  3. Leveraging Technologies & Platforms
  4. Optimizing the Organization
  5. Content at its Best

Be sure to register your entire team because you won't want to miss a single conference beat!  As always, you'll have ample opportunity to network and swap ideas with your peers throughout the entire conference – hands-down the best part of any SIPA event!

And now that our circle has expanded to include ABM and SIIA friends, you are sure to meet more new colleagues than ever before.

We have a fantastic conference team plotting the agenda – Luis Hernandez, VP SIPA; Ronn Levine, SIIA Content Director, Season Crawford, Associate Publisher and VP of Marketing at MMI, Inc., Lindsay Konzak, VP of Content for Gale Media, Torry Burdick, VP at Vantage Production LLC - mention anyone else – and we certainly welcome your ideas and suggestions.  Email Luis ([email protected]) to connect.  

I look forward to seeing you June 4-6 at the Capital Hilton to talk Strategies for Growth!


Lucretia Lyons