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Capital IIT 2017 Kick off Event - Meet the Entrepreneurs

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Capital IIT 2017 Kick off Event - Meet the Entrepreneurs

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Capital IIT and TV Worldwide

Bring you a star-studded panel of entrepreneurs to share their stories 

Ranbir Singh
President and CEO - GeneSiC Semiconductor Inc.

Sarbari Gupta 
President and CEO - Electrosoft

Sid Chowdhary 
CEO - Credence Management Solutions LLC

Sumit Bhatnagar 
Co-Founder and Managing Partner - GreenBrilliance LLC

Tarun Upaday 
CEO - Trafla (Ex CTO of GlobalLogic and hcentive)


• Offer a common forum for Integrating Alumni with collaborative services through social and professional events
• Provide a platform for Advocacy and the opportunity to express alumni views on the governance of the IITs, offer opinions on matters pertaining to business, education, the environment and such other global matters that will enhance the future of all members of the IIT community.
• Manage, enhance and protect the “IIT Brand” that supports the highest standards in education and the spirit of giving back to the communities in which we live.

CapitalIIT Alumni Organization’s vision is to be one of the most influential IIT chapters by providing superior alumni services, advocating the IIT brand across different parts of the global society and undertaking activities that reflect the upcoming changes influencing the global landscape of a “Flat World”

We connect with the Alumni and the outside professional world through .
. Networking
. Mentorship
. Stimulate “Creative Thinking”, “Strategic Projects”
. Forge Business Partnerships
. Giving Back to the society