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Welcome by Lance A. Davis, Executive Officer, National Academy of Engineering
Session I: Statistics on the Career Pathways of Women of Color Faculty in Academia
Moderator: Lydia Villa-Komaroff, Chief Scientific Officer, Cytonome/ST, LLC and Co-chair, Committee on Advancing Institutional Transformation for Minority Women in Academia
Where We Stand: Commissioned Research
Donna Ginther, Professor of Economics, University of Kansas
Shulamit Kahn, Associate Professor, School of Management, Boston University
Sylvia Hurtado, Professor, University of California, Los Angeles, Director, Higher Education Research Institute and Member, Committee on Advancing Institutional Transformation for Minority Women in Academia | Putting a Face to a Statistic: A Panel of Women of Color in Academia
Moderator: Joan Bennett, Professor of Plant Biology and Pathology, Rutgers University and Member, Committee on Advancing Institutional Transformation for Minority Women in Academia
Evelynn Hammonds, Dean of Harvard College, Harvard University
Gilda Barabino, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, Georgia Institute of Technology
Patricia Taboada-Serrano, Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, Rochester Institute of Technology
Tamisha Y. Vaughan, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Medicine, Emory University |
Minority Women and Multiple Marginality: Gender, Race and Equity in Science Education and Research
Moderator: Florence Bonner, Senior Vice President, Research and Compliance, Howard University and Co-chair, Committee on Advancing Institutional Transformation for Minority Women in Academia
Speaker: Joan Williams, Distinguished Professor of Law and Director of the Center for WorkLife Law, College of the Law, University of California, Hastings |
Where Are Women of Color: Contingent & Administrative Positions in Academia?
Moderator: Anthony DePass, Assistant Vice President, Research Development and Director, MBRS Program, Long Island University and Member, Committee on Advancing Institutional Transformation for Minority Women in Academia
Speaker: Cherilynn Shadding, Director of Outreach and Community, School of Medicine, Washington University
Rapporteur: Danielle Haney, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania |
Concurrent Sessions Report Out & Public Discussion |
Supporting Women of Color through Professional Societies
Moderator: Patrick L. Valdez, Director, College Access and Sucess Initiatives, Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities
Panel discussion with representatives from professional societies
Judit Camacho, Executive Director, Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACANAS)
Marian Johnson-Thompson, Chair, Committee on Microbiological Issues Impacting Minorities, American Society for Microbiology and Professor Emerita of Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of the District of Columbia
Suzanne Bennett Johnson, President, American Psychological Association and Distinguished Research Professor, College of Medicine, Florida State University
Linette Watkins, Former Chair, Committee of Minority Affairs, American Chemical Society and Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Texas State University – San Marcos |
Impact of Federal Agencies
Moderator: Bernadett Gray-Little, Chancellor, University of Kansas
Leading by Example
Jeri L. Buchholz, Chief Human Capital Officer, NASA
Muriel Poston, Director, Human Resources Division, Education Directorate, National Science Foundation
Janine Clayton, Director, Office of Research on Women’s Health, National Institutes of Health
Jim Johnson, Director, National Center for Environmental Research, Office of Research and Development, Environmental Protection Agency |
Successful Practices and Strategies for Institutional Transformation
Moderator: Kelly Mack, Program Director, ADVANCE Program, National Science Foundation
Federal initiatives: ADVANCE and other programs
Loretta Moore, Professor, Computer Science Department & Interim Dean, School of Science and Technology
J. Wayne Jones, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
Joan Y. Reede, Dean, School of Medicine, Harvard University |
Shirley Malcom, Head, Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) |
Seeking Solutions: Maximizing American Talent by Advancing Women of Color in Academia An ad hoc Committee on Advancing Institutional Transformation for Minority Women in Academia, under the under the auspices of the Committee for Women in Science, Engineering and Medicine (CWSEM), will plan and conduct the conference Seeking Solutions: Maximizing American Talent by Advancing Women of Color in Academia on June 7-8, 2012 in Washington, DC. The conference will present data on women of color in science, engineering and medicine in academia and discuss the challenges and successful initiatives for creating the institutional changes required to increase representation of this subset of women in the academic workforce. The conference will feature leaders from research universities, minority serving institutions, industry, and the law, as well as federal policymakers and researchers with expertise in studying underrepresented minority populations. The conference will engage these stakeholders in discussions of critical importance for increasing participation of women of color in academia. Experts have been commissioned to synthesize data on the current state of representation of women of color in academia in science, engineering and medicine disciplines, which will be presented at the conference and available on this website prior to the meeting. The presentations and discussions from the conference will be synthesized in a workshop summary report.  This Conference is supported by National Science Foundation Division of Human Resource Development ADVANCE-PAID Program. Grant No. 1049637.